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Admission Rights


By virtue of the provisions of article 59.1 of Royal Decree 2816/1982, of 27 August, approving the General Regulations for the Police of Public Entertainment and Recreational Activities.

It is forbidden for any person to enter and/or remain in this establishment who:

  • Is not registered as a customer or does not have a confirmed reservation.
  • Want to gain access after the maximum authorised capacity has been exceeded or after the opening hours of the establishment have expired.
  • Manifest violent attitudes or publicly incite hatred, violence or discrimination.
  • Behave aggressive behaviour or provoke disturbances outside or at the entrance and/or carry weapons or objects likely to be used as such.
  • Refuse to identify yourself to the security guards and/or those responsible for the hotel.
  • Demonstrates symptoms of drunkenness or is consuming drugs or narcotic substances or shows signs of having consumed them.
  • Does not meet the minimum age requirement.
  • Exhibits a clear lack of personal cleanliness.
  • Has been expelled from the establishment for inappropriate behaviour in advance.
  • Has been expelled from the establishment for inappropriate behaviour beforehand.
  • Does not respect the established rules of behaviour and internal regulations, such as not wearing the torso uncovered in the common areas inside the building.
  • Comes accompanied by an animal, except for assistance dogs as established by Law 2/2020 of 23 December.
  • Smokes or consumes tobacco products and/or electronic cigarettes inside the establishment's facilities, except in the areas specifically designated and signposted for this purpose.